へッジホッグダイナーはアーリーバーズのべつの顔。 中区はずれのコンクリートジャングルの中にある、夜になると浮かび上がる簡易食堂では、国境を超えた様々なおいしい料理と全国各地から厳選したクラフトビールやワインを提供させて頂いています。ハリネズミたちは寄り添うべき方向を間違えると、お互いに傷つけあったりしてしまうけど、いずれはきっと一緒に深く眠ることもできるはず。そんな 新たなハリネズミたちとの出会いがここではきっとあるはずです。
営業は現在毎週金曜日のみ、17時30分から23時まで行っております。 ぜひみなさまのご来店をスタッフ一同心よりお待ち申し上げております。
HedgeHog diner is another face of EarlyBirds. In a concrete jungle at the edge of Naka-ku, you will see this diner shows up quietly and dimly at the beginning of a night time. We serve great local craft beers and wines which are selected carefully out of everywhere in Japan with variety of delicious dishes coming from all over the world.
A heart of human-being is totally like a hedgehog. When hedgehogs get closer too much all of a sudden, they hurt each other with their sharp needles. However, once they come across consequently and slowly at a cozy place, they may smile and snuggle up together. This is the place you will meet all these cool new hedgehogs. The business hours reach now from 17:30 to 23:00 only every Friday. We are all looking forward to having you here.
HedgeHog diner is another face of EarlyBirds. In a concrete jungle at the edge of Naka-ku, you will see this diner shows up quietly and dimly at the beginning of a night time. We serve great local craft beers and wines which are selected carefully out of everywhere in Japan with variety of delicious dishes coming from all over the world.
The business hours reach now from 17:30 to 23:00 only every Friday. We are all looking forward to having you here.
へッジホッグダイナーはアーリーバーズの別の顔。 中区はずれのコンクリートジャングルの中にある、夜になると浮かび上がる簡易食堂では、国境を超えた様々なおいしい料理と全国各地から厳選したクラフトビールやワインを提供させて頂いています。